About Us
We are the #1 Dealer of non-lethal launchers and protection equipment in the state of Virginia!
Ever since we opened our doors, we have been committed to providing accessibility to only the best products and tools the industry has to offer in non lethal protection.
We believe that everyone has the “God given” right to protect their families from harm and impending danger. Many good people have had their 2nd Amendment rights taken from them, and for years have been helpless in defending their homes from invaders and thefts. Not any more. There are no licenses required for our launchers. No background checks. Nothing.
We understand that most gun owners have dealt with the moral dilemma presented when being faced with a situation where they may be forced to discharge their firearm. We believe that you should not have to take a life, to effectively save the lives of your loved ones. This is why we do what we do!

Right to Bare Arms!
We believe that everyone should have the right to protect themselves and their families.